Monday 13 January 2014


If you live in England, you may have enjoyed a beautiful sunny Saturday. I certainly enjoyed it as they have been rare and made the most of it by a long walk in a park. I was looking forward to taking lots of beautiful photos, including some outfits ones, but guess what? After taking few pics my friend realised the battery is about to die and that was the end of our photoshoot. I managed to get something out of even the few photos I had, but I learnt my lesson and next time I triple check the state of my camera.
Has this ever happened to you?
Top and coat H&M (both old), skirt River Island (on sale!), shoes Jimmy Choo (sold out), bag DvF (sold out), sunglasses Dior, watch Michael Kors, ring YSL. Nails Estee Lauder Purple passion.
Have a stylish day.


  1. What a cute look! I love the animal print and the pink together!

