Sunday 24 February 2013


1. I finally went to see the Valentino exhibition at Somerset house (it's amazing and if you've not seen it go - it finishes March 3). I took a sneaky picture of one of the dresses. How amazing is it?! 
2. Christian Louboutin shop window on Mount street in London. Shoes heaven.
3. One day last week I came home to a lovely surprise. New dressing table :) There's many more things on it now and I love it!
4. New bottle of Valentina by Valentino. My 3rd bottle since September. It's my fave along with Chanel Chance.
5. My ideal evening these days is spent catching up on fashion monthlies. Cara Delevigne looks super cool on the cover of Vogue.

Have a stylish day.


  1. Oh my gosh, I can't imagine getting to go to a Valentino exhibit. I bet that was so amazing and an experience not many people will get to have. Im so jealous!

  2. I would love to be able to go to the exhibition but can't for location reasons haha

