Sunday 10 July 2011

Vintage Sunday - 90s

When I went to see the Italian Fashion Masters exhibition earlier this week, I was inspired by all these photograps from early 90s and decided to bring you more for today's Vintage Sunday. The early 90s and late 80s aka the time of the "Supers" hold good memories for me, as it's when I was growing up and got really interested in fashion. I used to dream about all these clothes I would wear one day. And the super models were my role models.
One great example is Linda Evangelista, that I liked for her often changing hair styles. Here in campaign for Alberta Ferreti from 1990 and 1991. Hot is the word! What do you think?
Have a stylish day.


  1. Love her hair, just like Frankie from the Saturdays (woah that makes me look sophisticated name dropping her!)

    Cliche, but would love it if you could follow me back xxx


  2. Omg! So hot! I love the second two images :)
